Art & Design Cluster, University of Ostrava
The new building for the Art & Design Cluster at the University of Ostrava is part of the new City Campus of Ostrava in the Czech Republic. It will provide students of the Faculty of Arts with a professional platform where they can work in an attractive environment and invite the public to get to know their work. Lindab went beyond expectations and delivered a special solution for high quality sound reduction in the building.
Attractive and professional
The building includes facilities for the Centre for Digital Technologies and Design; multimedia classroom; four dozen specialist training rooms and classrooms; facilities for the Opera Studio; a music hall; facilities for sound direction and post-production; and a speacialist music therapy laboratory and teaching studio.
High demands were placed on the sound attenuation and acoustics of the facilities, in particular room-to-room sound transmission and crosstalk attenuation.
Lindab exceeds expectations
"The building's designers suggested silencers from our competitors, but after thorough demonstration and sound calculations in LindQST, we were able to confirm a customised solution with accurate data and better results", says Tuomas Veijalainen, Product Manager for Lindab Acoustic.
"The project shows that through high in-house competence and collaboration our team goes beyond expectations to find the best solution for each project", says Stanislav Němeček, Sales manager, Lindab Sales CZ.

Sound investments for well-being
At Lindab we believe that everyone should have the right to a healthy indoor environment - including a quiet space. We know that with proper product selection and accurate data, noise pollution from ventilation systems, both around and inside of a building can be avoided. That is why acoustics and sound attenuation has been a central part of our product range, research facilities and competences for years.